University innovation management




management, innovation, innovatiable, university


Universities are called to offer answers to the complexities of the contemporary world, with significant contributions to the development of countries in terms of overcoming inequalities, poverty, and exclusion; together with the rational use of resources that guarantees human survival in sustainability with the environment. Innovation is one of the central characteristics in the training profiles, with a view to increasing the capacity of universities to generate solutions to local problems, and a feature that enhances the employability of graduates. Within the framework of experiences for the formation of innovative skills in university students, the study presents the results of an investigation under the paradigm of reflexivity, with the aim of representing in a management model the actions carried out by a commission in charge of the promotion of innovation in a university in Venezuela, during 1998 - 2015. From the recovery of documentary sources, interviews and participant observations, the members analyzed, collated, and synthesized the historical memory of the commission, elaborating the Management Model of the University innovation. The axes, processes and values that enable the virtuous confluence of articulated capacities and attitudes, of organizations, people, and systems, to generate innovations are described. The model provides good practices of high applicability and transfer for the promotion of a culture of innovation in universities.


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Research articles

How to Cite

Marcano G. , D. del V., Rojas H. , L. M., & Mosello de Perozo, S. (2022). University innovation management. Entrelíneas, 1(1), 5-20.