Criminal typologies that affect banks in the concealment of illegal activities




criminal typologies, financial institutions, crime prevention, FATF


The Panamanian banking sector has been used in money laundering schemes because the country is an attractive financial center for criminal activity. The banking system adopted substantial changes in its risk-based approach methodology as of 2014, because of pressure from correspondents. As of Law 23 of April 27, 2015, the prevention regime was adopting criteria attached to the legal duty of the Law and the norms issued by the Superintendency of Banks of Panama, called Anti-Laundering Regime, as a further step towards the constitution of a legal structure that meets the needs of control and protection of the system. In order to identify the criminal typologies that affect banking at the national level, due to the external and internal threats used in the concealment of illegal activities, a documentary investigation has been prepared on the subject, detecting that the three most used in this Scheme in national banking are structuring or smurfing, electronic transfers and correspondent banking, as well as that it is difficult to trace the root of a transaction resulting from structuring, so it is necessary to delve into the study of typologies so that the authorities have information that facilitates improving prevention systems, as well as knowing the operational channels of criminals.


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Research articles

How to Cite

Rubatino Santizo, R. H. (2023). Criminal typologies that affect banks in the concealment of illegal activities. Entrelíneas, 2(1), 27-39.