Characteristics that make up the profile of family businesses
corporate governance, family businesses, business management, business strategy, business systemsAbstract
Family businesses are the oldest form of organization in the world and one of the most successful and economical models to manage, because they are moved by the constructive interaction of their members. To examine the characteristics that make up its profile, the particularities were studied, since the distinctive features can be established from the open dynamic systems. Achieving this purpose required delimiting the study to three fundamental areas: the unified field and the family business, the foundations that lead to the value and the distinctive features of the Family Business System. The methodology was developed from a qualitative, phenomenological, explanatory, non-experimental and inductive design. The design is based on the transversality of hermeneutic and interpretative documentary research, using comparative analysis to confer construct validity from the 47 selected sources. The development of the results compiled the characteristics that facilitate the profile of family businesses using the vision of the Family Business System, under the consideration that they must show the elements of a stable formal organization, where the values that self-regulate the social system are represented. in the vision and mission, and from the sociology and psychology of the family group, concluding that this profile was synthesized in joint factors that, presented separately, make it insufficient if it is intended to offer a definition that is as complete as possible where five subsystems are studied: the organizational subsystem, the property subsystem, the managerial environment subsystem, the generational potential subsystem, and the entrepreneurial one.
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