Emerging management in the university context in times of pandemic: theoretical review for reflection





Emerging management, universities, pandemic


The following theoretical review article had the purpose of highlighting the different approaches and current trends of emerging management in universities in the face of the reality generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the health emergency generated by the coronavirus, university institutions have had to adopt various forms and management mechanisms to fulfill their teaching, research and extension functions; in order to articulate the academic and administrative processes. In this sense, emerging management is presented as a new paradigm that leads to rethink organizational structures, forms, and actions, in order to adopt change processes to manage efficiently in times of pandemic. For this, different documents and articles from scientific journals were reviewed that allowed to delve into the various emerging visions of management in the university educational context, based on the theories and approaches of authors such as: Vieras (2021); Dayeck (2019); Gavidia (2021); Henriquez et al., (2022); Verenzuela et al., (2021); Sanz et al., (2021); Figueredo (2021); Tovar (2020); Ianni-Gómez (2019); among others. The applied methodology is oriented in the documentary-bibliographic review. The reflections generated from the theoretical review on emerging management pointed out new trends, which integrate administrative praxis to respond to the problems or needs that universities face, such as: knowledge management, quality management, talent management. human, bioethics, social responsibility management, research management, digital management, classroom management, neuromanegement, among others.


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Theoric articles

How to Cite

Rivero Jiménez, M. J., León Urdaneta, E. D., Taborda Morillo, Y. A., & Flores Nessi, E. M. (2022). Emerging management in the university context in times of pandemic: theoretical review for reflection. Entrelíneas, 1(1), 102-111. https://doi.org/10.56368/Entrelineas119

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